The Last Bookstore

It's time for a rendezvous! A rendezvous with a companion from the past. Sure, times change and you believe that life moves forward. Why look back? When a story ends, you turn the page.

Then again, some things are too sweet to leave behind. No, we aren't talking about an old lover or friend. We are proposing that you reunite with your old companions through adventure -- books.

The Last Bookstore is the perfect meeting spot. At first, you can't get comfortable. You've grown accustomed to pushing a button, not picking out covers and flipping through pages. It only takes a few minutes though, and you are swept away...

Shelves and shelves of books and old vinyl records take over the bottom floor. But the real treasure is upstairs in The Labyrinth. It's as if you've stepped into the hybrid fantasy of J.K. Rowling and Guillermo del Toro. You will be greeted by a shelf of flying books. Through the metal gates, artists sell curiosities, artwork and vintage relics. Then be sure to come back around, where the $1 books are. Science fiction bookshelves zig zag, while true crime and serial killer books await in the dark vault. There is even a book portal.

The escape has begun. Now, pick the book you want, and off you go!