Shareen Vintage

This isn't your typical vintage shopping experience. A trip to Shareen Vintage is more of an adventure to find fashion treasures. So gather up, bold fashionistas. The chest is buried just next to Downtown LA. You will have to keep your eyes peeled because there are no signs outside to indicate that a big red warehouse is where an empress of style resides. Abandon all ye' man friends before walking through the door. No boys allowed! There are no dressing rooms. Instead, what you will find is a huge warehouse, decorated as if it were a friend's bedroom with a bed, couch, full length mirrors...and racks and racks of vintage dresses.

Shareen (or one of her girls) will give you a tour upon entering. Clothes are separated by decade and a few other categories. As you browse and pick pieces that you like, they get familiar with your tastes and find more items for you to try on. Yes, it is like having the knowledge of a stylist and the comfort of your best friend rolled into one... and no, you will never want go back to regular shopping. This takes playing dress up to the next level. Shareen will tell you if the piece needs to be altered and help you accessorize to keep your look modern. Special appointments can be made for brides and bridesmaids.

Shockingly, it won't cost you all your gold to take home a piece from Shareen's collection, either. You will leave with an incredible find, no doubt, but also the inspiration to express yourself more freely through what you wear.