Jet Rag and the $1 Sale

Some call it vintage. Some call it secondhand. Whatever you chose, you're going to need a third, forth or fifth hand...or maybe just a courageous friend. Every Sunday, the vintage megastore, Jet Rag, holds a $1 sale on their paved driveway. Throughout the day, the store puts out new bundles of vintage clothing that no one can touch until the count down...

" GO!"

That's when the eclectic crowd almost literally dives in, trying to get their hands on the most items possible, then rushing away to sort out the ones that make the cut. Complete and utter chaos. La Brea has become a battleground. Got your hands on an awesome find? Keep it for yourself or barter with another customer.

The sale begins at 9AM with clothing from the previous week. If you want to get a laundry basket to store the items you've claimed, you will have to get there early. However, the best of the lot comes in the new bundles starting at 10:30 and 11AM.

*The only exception is leather jackets which go for $10.