The Private Room

The Private Room breaks the stereotype of the Beverly Hills salon experience. No snooty receptionist or feelings of guilt over spending your paycheck on a haircut. Owner Tina Dizon leads a super-friendly staff that will make you feel at ease from the moment you enter. Whether you like to keep your personal classic style or are always trying something new and "cutting edge" (ba da chh!), you will leave feeling refreshed with a vibrant new look. All that excitement leaves you feeling brave and bold. Partake in The Private Room's Color Pop Bar, and live on the wild side…without the commitment. The one night stand option is hair chalking, for all over highlights or tips that come out with your next wash. For the girl who likes comes back for more -- but on her terms -- try color extensions which can be removed, restyled and reused. We're still talking about hair here, right?